Achtung! is creative lead for the new eBay 360° campaign

The new brand campaign for eBay Germany and creative brainchild of the team working with Michael Ohanian (CCO), Tobias Fritschen (ECD) and Valentin Burkhardt (ECD) has been launched. The integrated 360° campaign was created based on the “eBay. That’s you.” brand platform.
The aim of the brand campaign is to raise awareness among consumers about the many small retailers on eBay who sell a diverse range of products on the online marketplace. By purchasing from small shops, buyers can support people who have turned their passion into a career and are eager to establish and expand their business online.

“With ‘eBay. That’s you.’ we have developed a platform that encapsulates the brand
and underpins the third round of the SMB campaign. As in the previous campaigns, we are once again celebrating the diversity and power of the eBay community”, says Michael Ohanian, CCO of Achtung!.

For more information, visit the eBay Newsroom.