Agency for healthcare innovators

We are driven by our desire to transform the health system. Achtung! InnoHealth is the specialist agency for healthcare innovators. As such, we manage communications around new technologies and develop strategies to attract attention in the healthcare industry – and beyond of course.

Simeon gross Bruecke

Innovators will shape the future of the health system. And Achtung! InnoHealth is helping them to do this. Simeon Atkinson is the founder, CEO and driving force behind this specialist agency.

As a young entrepreneur and communications expert, Simeon has spent years supporting the digital transformation of health, medicine and care. Together with his team in Düsseldorf, he develops and implements communication strategies for healthcare innovators who want to radically change their industry.

In addition to its focus on a tailored blend of PR, content and social media, Achtung! InnoHealth is also driven by an infectious passion for progress in the health market. A desire for innovation is its USP.

The Achtung! InnoHealth team sees itself as a “sparring partner” for communication strategies and a strong partner when it comes to implementing communication measures. The team working with Simeon helps up-and-coming healthcare innovators to raise awareness of their brand and establish a clear market position. Together they deliver new opportunities in digital health, telemedicine and related areas to their target groups. This gives healthcare innovators a clear competitive edge and ensures a step forward for all of us.

Every healthcare innovation can change the future. The story behind each of these innovations and the added value that they can bring needs to be heard. Achtung! InnoHealth can tell this story across multiple channels.

Healthcare Innovators Newsletter und Circle

Eine Plattform, ein Netzwerk, eine Community – Mit Healthcare Innovators bietet die Agentur Achtung! InnoHealth einen regelmäßigen Newsletter für Healthcare-Entscheider*innen und einen Circle als Ort für Impulse und den persönlichen Austausch.

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Management Achtung! InnoHealth

Images of the management created with AI

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